Brick Staining Technology Inc.
In today's fast paced world, time is money. When a masonry product or products have been damaged and the time lines need to be met, removing the damaged product may lead to more problems -- mortar matching, block matching, etc.
BST has the EXPERIENCE and the SOLUTIONS to help make your masonry problems go away!
With BST SUBSTRATERTM Our skilled tech's simply recreate the aggregate with the perfect match.

With BST SUBSTRATERTM aggregates are produced from many natural deposits including; limestone, granite, trap rock and other durable mineral resources. Production of BST SUBSTRATERTM products requires progressive stages of crushing, screening, washing and blending. Our aggregate products range in size from rough, to sharp or biting edge, to a manufactured sand finish similar to aggregates used in concrete and asphalt products. The numerous sizes and gradations are determined by their intended use and/or the customer's requirements. Our diligent quality control and flexible processing techs ensure that a wide variety of aggregate finishes are available to meet the needs and specifications of commercial and residential customers.
Below: is an example of what is known in the masonry business as a rust issue, pyrite build up, and or iron spots. This problem is caused in the manufacturing process and the problem / rust doesnt show up until months some times even years after the installation of the units. Until the development of BST's Substrater the only option for correction was replacing the effected pieces. This process was very expensive as well as time consuming. Now, when this issue comes up BST can go to the structure, drill out the substance and simply add the BST Substrater product. Effectively and economically fixing the problem at hand without all the mess that goes along with replacement of the units. BST- Perfecting The Color Of Americas Masonry.

Perfecting the Color of America's Masonry