Brick Staining Technology, Inc.
has the solution for you!

BST Brick Staining Technology INC has developed products and methods to stain most any masonry surface, even surfaces that many staining companies would not attempt. These specialty stone, brick and block include glazed surfaces and metallic surfaces. These applications require additional steps and specialized stains but the end product is well worth the effort! This off color stone project in Columbia MD was completed in 2007.

Any of the following products will accept our stain!
- Brick
- Block
- Concrete
- Mortar
- Pre-cast
- Natural Stone
- Manufactured Stone
- Stucco
If your masonry product absorbs water, it will accept our stains and sealers.
Masonry staining has been used in the US for over 30 years and Europe for over 75. When performed by skilled and experienced BST technicians, this process can often produce an exact match to existing brick, block, mortar or stone, in color and age. BST stains comprise of a combination of pigments and binders that are mixed on-site, tested on the new masonry and modified until the BST technician finds the perfect match. The stain is light fast, UV resistant, unaffected by frost and is available with a 25 year warranty. The formulation is then added to the masonry and the color is permanent.
Call us today at
(717) 266-4444 or 1-877-8 Bricks
and let one of our friendly staff answer your questions.

Perfecting The Color Of America's Masonry